Children First Organisation
Children First Organisation est synonyme de solidarité
This is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping vulnerable children in Africa, in proving food, home, medical care and scholarship
Chez Children First Organisation, notre mission est d'agir au quotidien.
Nous ramenons le sourire aux enfants et à leurs familles
Depuis sa création en 2020, le CHILDREN FIRST ORGANISATION vit grâce au soutien de ses membres et des bienfaiteurs
Nos programmes
Faire la différence
Aide sociale
Nous faisons le maximum pour que les médias parlent de nous et de nos actions. Consultez les deniers articles nous mentionnant ci-dessous, et découvrez tout ce qui se trame chez childrenfirstorganisation.
Our goal
Our Goal:
we pay school tuition of vulnerable children
we created kindergarten schools and primary schools where it is needed
we feed malnourished children
we provide medical care to vulnerable children
Notre mission
Notre mission :
nous payons les frais scolaires des enfants vulnérables
nous créons des écoles maternelles et primaires
nous nourrissons les enfants malnutris
nous prenons en charge les soins médicaux des enfants vulnérables
The CHILDREN FIRST ORGANISATION is a non profit organisation created after the Kamuina Nsapu Crisis. This crisis caused the death of almost 5.000 people; and 1.09 million of displaced. Many schools, Health Centers, churches and presbyteries were plundered and demolished. No school, no mass, no gathering, but fear, mutual distrust, Reckoning, famine and trauma could have been in each person and each family. People were divided, family fragmented and some people traumatized by the beheading of their relatives.
Faire un don
Know that any donation from you will change the life of someone, and all evidences will be sent back to you.
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